Vice-Rector for Education of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, today was received on a visit by the well-known Albanian philanthropist, owner of the prestigious international company Ecolog. The cooperation with well-known companies operating in our country, and especially with companies that conduct their activities worldwide, has been and will remain a priority of the leaders of the University of Tetova.

For this purpose, today a meeting was conducted between the Vice-Rector for Education of UT and the owner of Ecolog International. “We are grateful to the company you lead for the support it has given to our university over the years, economic development and unconditional support to Albanian institutions everywhere in the region. Our already consolidated university has made great steps forward, both in teaching-scientific advancement and other projects of vital importance. As you are aware, on the anniversary of the first lectures, after an extraordinary work of the competent team, we managed to publish the Monograph of the University of Tetova, which includes the period “1994 / 5-2004 / 5”, so let me on behalf of the publishing team, professors and students of all generations to bestow the Monograph that we consider as the most important publication of our University “, said Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

The monograph of the University of Tetova was presented to Lazim Destani as a sign of gratitude for the contribution given over the years for the development of our University, the extraordinary support to the founder and historical Rector, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani, in his titanic mission for higher education in the Albanian language, the greatest project in the modern history of the Albanian nation.

Lazim Destani highly appreciated the work done for the publication of this monograph, as well as expressed his readiness to continue the cooperation and to provide assistance to the company he leads for the advancement of this center of higher education in Albanian language – University of Tetova.