Students of University of Tetova, besides the education process they also perform working visits in different institutions of our country and beyond. Such activities are considered important by students as they are closely acquainted with the history, activity, functioning and services provided by these institutions to the citizens.
On April 3, 2019, a group of students of the study programs of Law, Criminology, Journalism and Media and Political Sciences of our University’s Law Faculty paid a visit to the United States Embassy in Skopje.
Our students, led by Prof. Dr. Arta Bilalli – Zendeli, Prof. Dr. Qashif Bakiu and Secretary of the Faculty of Law, Mr. Ali Salihi, during the visit met with local and American representatives and officials of the US Embassy.
They informed the students of the University of Tetova about the history, the establishment of this embassy in Skopje, the organizational and managerial structure, the projects, the support that this Embassy offers for the citizens of North Macedonia, with particular emphasis on the support for the students and the opportunities offered to them to study in all study cycles of American universities.
Such visits and meetings confirm the fruitful educational-scientific cooperation that our University has with the US Embassy in the capital of our country.