The student of Mechatronics of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of Tetova, Adem Ameti, has made a very interesting invention. He modified the 1990 Polski Fiat to start it without a key, but by clapping the hands.

Adem Ameti stated that he does not hesitate to maneuver with various modifications, through appropriate methods, to reach the final product. “The special thing about this is that I have modified it a bit, I have installed some additional microcontrollers, which I have programmed myself. I worked with the car for a long time and initially the first project was to start the car with a smartphone, through bluetooth and electronic devices inside, then I continued with the radar system, and recently by clapping the hands, from inside or outside”, says the student Adem Ameti.

The only difficulties he has encountered are electronic devices, which are not easily to find, and have high costs. “It is very difficult to find electronic devices here, but even if we do find them, they are very expensive, so it is a bit of a problem because they are not used in our region”, he said.

The Dean of FAS, Prof. Dr. Feta Sinani emphasized that the student Adem Ameti has done an excellent job, related to this invention. Ademi has made many modifications to this car and promises that in the future he will modify the ignition with other systems, while he intends to place this invention on the market, so that this idea is put into practice.