The University of Tetova started the presentation of the academic offer for the academic year 2022/2023 in front of the graduates of our country. The promotional team today visited the graduates of the high school “7 March” in Tetovo and the high school graduates of the gymnasium “Drita” in the city of Kicevo.

On this occasion, in front of the high school graduates they provided information about the organization of studies, conditions and opportunities offered to students, the way of studies and also special attention was paid to the criteria that graduates must fulfill to enroll as students of the University of Tetova.

This academic year our University offers 64 different study programs in 13 academic units. There were distributed materials with detailed information to all high school graduates for each academic unit for the study programs offered to new students. In the coming days, the promotional team will visit the graduates of other schools in all cities of our country to inform them about the academic offer.

Professors of the UT have invited the high school graduates to be present on May 12 in the square of the rectorate to participate in the Open Day.