At the University of Tetova, the Scientific Group of students from the Faculty of Medical Sciences organized a panel discussion on topic: “Breast Cancer – Awareness Month”. This activity aims to raise awareness and awareness regarding the early detection of breast cancer in women and girls in our country and beyond. Every year, during this month, is conducted an annual international campaign that aims to disseminate information and educate people about the importance of health.

The scientific group of FMS, under the direction of the coordinator, Doc. Dr. Arbresha Ferati, has organized dozens of different activities and activities, aimed at raising awareness of our society to protect health and prevent the spread of various diseases. “Before the Covid-19 pandemic, we have carried out a considerable number of activities, both in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, as well as in the field, in primary and secondary education centers, in other institutions, activities aimed at raising public awareness on disease prevention and public health protection. I am glad that today, respecting the protocols, measures against the spread of Covid -19, we are back with a panel discussion, in which well-known specialists and representatives of society will refer to the necessity of breast cancer awareness. We have the readiness, resources and capacities to continue our commitment to serve society, informing it of the risks, the consequences that bring various diseases, if we do not prevent them”, – said Doc. Dr. Arbresha Ferati.

Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Doc. Dr. Nexhibe Nuhii welcomed the initiative of the Scientific Group, which operates within this faculty, for the extraordinary contribution and commitment they give to the benefit of health. “I am very proud of the work of our students. I also thank the participants in this panel for their commitment regarding the dissemination of information on breast cancer. To educate a girl, you have educated a family, a society, because the basis of family and society is the female. Therefore, there should be healthy women in society. I appeal, as dean, professor, mother, that every woman should take care of her health, make regular check-ups, do examinations, and take care to present every sign to the doctor, because cancer is a pathology that does not manifest with signs of pain. Therefore, regular check-ups should be done to detect it in time, because the earlier it is detected, the more the chances for its cure increase. All of you brave women, sisters, mothers, and daughters, who are affected by this disease, but have not given up, we ask you to share your stories with other women and girls, because in this way you will help to discover early, you will save lives! “There is nothing more valuable than human life, so we must value it”, – said the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Doc. Dr. Nexhibe Nuhii.

At this event was present the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Ilir Hasani, who thanked the University of Tetova for the invitation and stressed that he feels privileged to participate in this event which addresses a very important topic, that is related to our health.

He said that people are still not convinced that with early treatment of breast cancer, we can ensure longevity, but at the same time we can provide a better quality of life for these patients. It is a period when we should all engage in all phases of breast cancer treatment, starting from the prevention phase, respectively its identification, as well as the early treatment of breast cancer.

Debaters in today’s panel were, Dr. Ilir Ismaili- Oncology Specialist; Dr. Nexhati Jakupi – Specialist in Thoracic Surgery; Narta Kasa Iseni – President of the Movement ” Nëna dhe Familja “, and Professor Lirie Xhaferi – activist against breast cancer.