Within the AURORA alliance network, in which the University of Tetova is an associate partner, was held the first webinar on awareness raising. This was one of the six meetings that are planned to be realized during the duration of the project within the program for support of capacity development (WP 4.4.).
University of Tetova was represented by a team consisting of competent Office for curriculum development, Office for evaluation and quality management, Office for scientific research and innovation, Office for doctoral studies, Office for international relations, and Office for project management. The webinar was opened by representatives of Palacký University Olomouc and the representatives from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam as organizers of the event. This was followed by the presentation of three key concepts: Competence Framework, Services learning and co-creation, and Virtual Mobility.
In groups, the teams had the opportunity to share experiences according to the unique context of each university, to learn about the experiences of other partner institutions, as well as to exchange ideas for initiating some of the activities proposed during the meeting.
This webinar served as a starting point for the development of “soft skills” within the study programs, for the development of learning and the provision of academic services as the third mission of universities, as well as for the establishment of a virtual exchange for students and academic staff. The participation of the UT as an associate partner in such a network, alongside leading universities in research and innovation, presents an excellent opportunity to follow the pace of dynamic developments in the academic world.