The contribution of universities in the turbulent times that our society is going through was the main issue at the anniversary of the Magna Charta Universitatum, which was held at the University of Bologna, from September 14 to 16, 2022, where also participated the delegation from the University of Tetova, composed of: Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti – President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Faton Shabani – Senator from the Faculty of Law and MSc. Donika Kamberi – Director of the Center for Peace and Transcultural Studies.

The central topic was “Universities engaging with society in Turbulent Times”, was promoted by the Magna Charta Universitatum Observatory, the governing body that monitors the implementation of the fundamental principles set out in the Magna Charta. Internationally renowned speakers offered perspectives and led discussions on the new challenges facing universities, discussions which were open to university leaders, professionals, students, policy makers and higher education stakeholders. The main goal was to enable universities to respond more effectively to the challenges they face, as well as to strengthen their ability to uphold fundamental values for the benefit of students, society, and university communities.

On Friday, September 16, in the Aula Absidale of Santa Lucia, was held the ceremony for the renewal of the signature of the Magna Charta in its latest version, MCU 2020, where the University of Tetova was among more than 50 signatory universities.

Magna Charta was first signed in 1988 by 388 Rectors, but after a global consultation, was drawn up the new version of Magna Charta Universitatum (MCU 2020), because since then the social, economic, and environmental context has undergone major changes.

To date, more than 950 universities around the world are signatories of the Magna Charta Universitatum, thus aligning the values of academic autonomy and freedom, the promotion of teaching and research activities, within a framework of freedom and interaction between different cultures.

Every year the Magna Charta Observatory organizes an international conference to address the current challenges in preserving fundamental values, to serve society responsibly and celebrates in a ceremony where many rectors and university representatives sign the Magna Charta Universitatum.

The agreement on behalf of the University of Tetova was signed by the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.