The activities to mark the 27th anniversary of the founding, the University of Tetova began with homage to the monument “The Beacon of remembrance” and to the statue of the Founder and First Historical Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani by commemorating and honoring the contribution and sacrifice of all martyrs of Albanian education in these areas.

In the solemn academy where was marked the 27th anniversary of the founding of the University of Tetova, participated a large number of personalities from different spheres of life, among whom act. Rector of the University of Tetova Prof. Dr. Reshat Qahili, President of the Senate of UT, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, the President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, the first Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of our country, Artan Grubi, President of the Islamic Religious Community Reis Ul – Ulema Shaqir Effendi Fetahi, President of DUI, Ali Ahmeti, the president  of Alternative, Afrim Gashi, the president of the Besa Movement and mayor of Tetova, Bilall Kasami, Mufti of Tetovo, Qani Nesimi, deputies, ministers, deputy ministers, representatives of the business community, representatives of civil society, heads of institutions at local and central level, Vice-Rectors of universities, professors and students.

The academy was declared open by the act. Rector of the University of Tetova Prof. Dr. Reshat Qahili. He said that our University started working 27 years ago, to end up the discrimination against the Albanian people of our territories and to chart a better future for all ethnicities living in the Republic of North Macedonia. “Seen in this prism, the University is our common platform, the crossroads of our history, traditions, vision and our common ideal. The University of Tetova today celebrates its 27th birthday, it was born from the centuries-old dream of education in the mother tongue, from the blood, sweat, hard work and sacrifice of entire generations. If we look at it now in retrospect, in front of our eyes appears a university full of dynamics, which is gradually taking the contours of a leading institution in the country and the region. The trajectory of time itself proves this best, which knows only the ascent and nothing else. Not only the infrastructural consolidation proves this, with the building, modern classrooms, scientific laboratories, fields and sports hall, but, first of all, the noble work of the University is also proved by the publication of scientific journals for each faculty separately, which are internationally indexed, with the mobility of students, academic and administrative staff in the most prestigious European universities, with the participation in the programs of the European Commission, with the benefit of numerous international projects”-said the act. Rector of the University of Tetova Prof. Dr. Reshat Qahili.

He further said that this University has given a lot to this country, has produced cadres for the state pyramid in accordance with the Ohrid Agreement, has produced educators and teachers, engineers and economists, doctors and artists, has influenced the spiritual development of society and creating lasting peace in our common state. “For great social transformations require a symbiosis of all actors, but universities must lead this process and be in constant correlation with state bodies. The general reform, increasing the quality, perfecting the level of teaching and research, for the University of Tetova are already considered overcome challenges and these achievements are evidenced by the interest of new students and the high credibility that our University has in the general public. As a result of this commitment, we have managed to meet our objectives and goals in approaching new students, namely increasing the number of those who enroll in study programs in all faculties that we offer. We have continued to support students by offering facilitation in several payment categories, while we have completely relieved a significant number of semester payment obligations. It is worth mentioning that, for the excellence students of UT we have awarded about 100 scholarships for first cycle and second cycle students, for the academic year 2021/2022. We have paid a lot of attention to the inter-university cooperation with the Albanian universities, the universities from the region and the international ones, by intensifying the inter-institutional relations with the Albanian universities from the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Kosovo, the prestigious universities from the region and the world”- said the act. Rector of the University of Tetova Prof. Dr. Reshat Qahili.

With his presence, this academy was honored by the President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi. He said that all of us who in any aspect have an impact on the educational and professional preparation of these young students, must do our best in our scope, to enable this youthful energy to be channeled, oriented and used in the way best possible, for the benefit of students, local but also central environment. “To contribute that young generations to want to stay here, in the homeland, here to see the hope and perspective for the fulfillment of professional aspirations, but above all, family and I am convinced that their success will be the greatest reward for all of us. The Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia will continue to be the country that will constantly keep its doors open for any constructive contribution and will make every effort to issue better legal solutions in the field of education for our students and local universities, to take the same step as world universities, taking into account that the financial and personnel independence of universities should be the main guide for maintaining university autonomy. Thus, I have no doubt that the University of Tetova, its academic staff, will continue to produce values and results that will position this temple of knowledge on the high pedestal of the academic world”, – said the President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi.

On behalf of the Government of North Macedonia, the participants were addressed by the First Deputy Prime Minister, Artan Grubi. According to him, the 27 years of the University of Tetova are the example of our national efforts for equality in this country. “Our first university went through many challenges in these almost three decades to become a source of freedom, a source of patriotism and inspiration for generations, initially to preserve the roots of identity and to walk free on our just cause of progress. We must definitely mark this day as a triumph of sincere and righteous effort to educate our youth in their mother tongue, to enable them to see without hindrance the horizon of the good things of life that knowledge brings. It is a day of reflection on all common achievements because it brings to mind a whole history of inspiring endeavors that should never be forgotten generation after generation. On this day, we should not forget and should take care to pass on to future generations the contribution of many patriotic families who dared to turn their homes into university auditoriums to survive this University along with the sublime sacrifice of Abdylselam Emini.

Today exceeds the limits of the anniversary, it is also a day of reflection and appreciation of the current role of the University of Tetova. It is truly a pleasure to indicate on the success of the many generations of this University that today are the leading cadres of progressive processes of state leadership in any of its spheres, MPs, ministers, leaders of institutions. With pleasure and pride I find that our University continues to be an inexhaustible source of staff capacity and the indisputable scientific center that unites the bright minds of the nation through collaborations with other universities in and out the country “- said the First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi.

In this academy, in which was marked the 27th anniversary of the founding of the University of Tetova, the act. Rector of the University Prof. Dr. Reshat Qahili bestowed a gratitude with the big logo of the University of Tetova to the professor of the Department of Physics at our University, Prof. Dr. Kimet Jusufi for his scientific achievements, as he has been selected among the 2% of the most productive scientists globally for the 2021 according to the study of Stanford University.

After receiving the gratitude and the gift Prof. Dr. Kimet Jusufi thanked the Act. Rector Prof. Dr. Reshat Qahili and the University for the appreciation they have shown for his scientific contribution. “I think it is an extraordinary day, I feel very proud to be part for the 27th anniversary of the founding of the University and have the honor to receive such gratitude. This gratitude stimulates me to continue to work to achieve scientific results. I also want to emphasize that the University is a national asset of ours and it is our obligation to stimulate students to work in the future for new staff, but at the same time to promote research and introduce the University abroad “- said on this occasion Prof. Dr. Kimet Jusufi.

The academy for the marking of 27th anniversary of the founding of the University of Tetova was concluded with an artistic program prepared by professors of the Faculty of Arts: Besiana Mehmedi, Kastriot Tusha, Bajramali Idrizi and Shkëlzen Baftjari