Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, together with representatives of the Office of Quality Management and Evaluation of our University attended the 13th European Quality Assurance Forum which was organized by the Association of European Universities.
The Forum took place from November 15-17, 2018 in Vienna, Austria. The main topic discussed in this forum was: “The expansion of the field of quality assurance” and through parallel sessions of presentations and workshops, the representatives of the various European universities that participated in this event were presented the current developments of quality assurance.
The 13th Forum was focused on how institutions and quality assurance agencies can build systems that include a wide range of activities, including teaching and learning, research, governance and service given to the society, information that will serve to increase the quality of education in all European universities.
This forum provided a platform for discussion, professional development and exchange of quality assurance experiences between university leaders, quality assurance leaders in higher education institutions as well as other actors working in this important sector.