Professor of the study program of Physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics within the UT, Asst. Professor, Kimet Jusufi, who has entered among the 2% of the most productive scientists in global level for 2021 according to the Stanford University study, was received in a meeting by the Vice-Rector for Education, Prof. Dr. Reshat Qaili and the head of the office for science and innovation, Prof. Dr. Agon Memeti. During this meeting it was discussed about this conducted study, in which were processed the data for 7 million scientists from a total of 22 scientific fields. The study is based on the number of citations, scientific articles, and some other parameters. In this meeting the Vice-Rector for Education, Prof. Dr. Reshat Qaili as a sign of gratitude, to the Asst. Professor, Kimet Jusufi bestowed the portrait of the founder, the first and historical Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani.

Asst. Professor, Kimet Jusufi was born on August 10, 1987, in the village of Nistrovo, Municipality of Gostivar, where he finished the primary education. In 2006 he continued his studies at the Institute of Physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics- in Skopje in the field of Physics, where he completed in the 2011, with the work on topic: “Some quantum effects in the presence of cosmic strings”, and awarded the title of Physicist –department of theoretical physics. Then he has continued his master studies in the field of theoretical physics in the Institute of Physics at the FNSM – Skopje, where in the optimal term he has successfully passed all the exams foreseen according to the study plan. He completed his master’s thesis on topic: “The submarine paradox and its solution in the special and general theory of relativity” and successfully defended it in 2014 and awarded the title of Master of Physics-theoretical physics.

In 2015 he continued his PhD studies in the field of theoretical physics at the Institute of Physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics- Skopje. He successfully defended his dissertation on topic: ” Hawking radiation from the Black holes as the effect of quantum tunneling”, successfully defended it in 2019 and awarded the title of Doctor of Physical Sciences.

In addition to the commitment in the teaching process, he has been constantly engaged in scientific research in the field of theoretical physics, with particular emphasis on the general theory of relativity, cosmology, and quantum mechanics. He has published over than 70 scientific articles in international physics journals which can be found in the following links:

He has also participated in many scientific gatherings, has been a reviewer of many scientific journals and co-author of the book “Summary of tasks selected from physics competitions” (Book 2), Association of Physicists of Macedonia, Skopje 2016.

From 2012-2020 he was engaged as a teaching assistant and part-time lecturer at the University of Tetova and at the same time from 2013-2020 he worked as a professor of physics at the gymnasium in Gostivar. On December 22, 2020 he received the title as an assistant professor at the University of Tetova.

In addition to the above-mentioned successes, Asst. Professor. Kimet Jusufi, on December 23, 2020, by the President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mr. Stevo Pendarovski was declared Scientist of the Year.