The public opinion is informed that, today, on December 1, 2021, was held the constitutive meeting of the Senate of the University of Tetova.

The relevant procedure for the constitution of the Senate and the verification of members by the Verification Commission, was conducted in accordance with the Law on Higher Education in our country, the Statute of the University, and other legal acts.

Also, was conducted the procedure for electing the members of the Senate, and then, by the majority of the votes of the present members of the Senate, in accordance with the Law on Higher Education, the University Statute and other internal acts for President of the Senate, was elected Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

After its constitution, the Senate of University, in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and other acts, in this meeting elected the Acting Rector, and for this function was elected the Vice-Rector for Education, Prof. Dr. Reshat Qahili.

In today’s meeting of the Senate, also were discussed other items on the agenda, which have to do with the continuation of the teaching-scientific process, international cooperation, and the general activity of the University of Tetova.