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UT organized a solemn academy dedicated to the 114th anniversary of the Congress of Manastir
A solemn ceremony organized at the Faculty of Pedagogy, the University of Tetova marked November 22, the Day of the Alphabet. This academy was honored with presence of Rector, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, President of the Senate, [...]
The University of Tetova and the Agency for the Implementation of the Language of the organization of the XIX edition of the International Festival “Albanian Image”
The Director of the Agency for Implementation of the Language , Prof. Dr. Ylber Sela, in his speech, congratulated the chairman of the "Image and Media" Forum, Prof. Dr. Astrit Memia for the organization of this [...]
Happy anniversary of Albanian letters!
Dear friends, On the occasion of the 114th anniversary of the Congress of Bitola, on behalf of the University of Tetova, I have the honor to wish you this historic date, which represents one of the most important events of our population, in which the [...]
At the UT started its proceedings the International Congress on Human Social Sciences and Arts
At the University of Tetova from November 16 to 18, the International Congress of Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts will hold its proceedings. This event includes the organization of several international scientific conferences, which are organized by the [...]