Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, today in a working meeting received the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning of the Government of our country, Naser Nuredinin. In this meeting they talked about the fruitful cooperation that takes place between the two institutions, the joint contribution to scientific-ecological projects and were examined the possibilities for further advancement of inter-institutional cooperation.

Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, thanked Minister Nuredini for the support provided to the University of Tetova, especially in the selection of research projects implemented by the Faculty of Natural Sciences – Mathematics.

“Our university, with its staff capacity, scientific researchers over the years has been committed to contribute to important projects, such as the study of floristic and faunal biodiversity of the Sharr mountain massif through increased regional inter-university cooperation, a project that preceded the initiative to announce a part of Sharr Mountain as a national park, as we are committed through the Ecological and Technological Institute to contribute with new studies to provide solutions to overcome problems in the field of ecology and environmental protection”-said the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

Rector together with the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics -, Prof. Dr. Alit Ibraimi, thanked the Minister, Naser Nuredini for the support of the project “Air quality research in Tetovo and in the surrounding area”, which will be implemented by the University of Tetova, respectively by the FNSM.

This scientific project will research – analyze the level of air pollution in Tetovo and the surrounding area, as well as determine the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 micrometer particles and analyze the chemical composition of these particles.

Implementers of this project are professors from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Prof. Dr. Neset Izairi, Prof. Dr. Mimoza Ristova, Prof. Dr. Muhamed Shehabi, Prof. Dr. Shefket Dehari, Prof. Dr. Fadil Ajredini and students from the first and second cycle of studies.

Minister Naser Nuredini emphasized the importance of these projects for the protection of the environment and as such projects should be supported by relevant institutions.

“It is the duty of the department that I lead to support, support scientific researchers and the development of these projects that are for the benefit of all our citizens. For this year, we have selected this project as one of the serious initiatives that will be implemented during 2021, that with the analysis and scientific competence will help the country’s institutions in taking appropriate measures to reduce the level of air pollution.” – said among other things the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning- Naser Nuredini.

At the end of the meeting was emphasized the need to sign in the future a tripartite agreement between the University of Tetova, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and the University of Stip to use the laboratory of this ministry to monitor environmental pollution at any time in digital form.