I have the special honor that on my behalf and on behalf of the leading staff of the University of Tetova, to wish you a happy November 28th – Flag Day of Albania.
November 28 is the day of the accomplishment of a dream of many centuries, the fulfillment of a great political, cultural and spiritual project. This national project also had its predecessors, led by our national hero, Gjergj Kastriot Scanderbeg, who in 1443, in the old capital city of Albania, in Kruja, raised the red flag with the black double-headed eagle.
Aware of this great weather and its European testament, the founding fathers of the Albanian State chose exactly November 28, as the Second November of the Albanian Renaissance. In Vlora, on the day when the man of the flag, Ismail Qemali announced the holy decision, all the Albanian renaissances were alive and dead, because in that act were embodied together the Albanian patriotic soul and spirit.
The historic decision of November 28, 1912, of the declaration of independence of Albania, was a coronation of the wars and efforts of patriots and intellectuals who excelled throughout the period of the National Renaissance.
With my warmest wishes, with the wish that our nation has a prosperous, secure and bright future, I wish you all, Happy November 28th – Flag and Independence Day!
Rector of the University of Tetova,
Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti