Faculty of Economics of the University of Tetova has successfully presented the academic offer for 2021/2022 in several cities in the Republic of North Macedonia. The academic staff of the Faculty of Economics has met with high school graduates from the cities of Tetovo, Skopje, Gostivar, Kicevo, Debar, Struga and Kumanovo.

According to the Vice-Dean for Science of this faculty, Doc. Dr. Aida Yzeiri Baftijari, professors before the high school graduates of our country have unveiled the study programs that the Faculty of Economics of UT offers: Economics and Business; Finance and Accounting; Marketing and Management; Tourism and the study program of International Business. “Students who study in the study program Economics and Business, are trained to take initiatives in discovering and creating business challenges and can develop professional careers in various fields of economics and management, which require innovation, risk-taking and orientation trading. Students who complete their studies in the study program Finance and Accounting is given the opportunity to perform advanced professional work in the field of accounting, auditing, and financial decision-making, in all sectors of the economy” – said Doc. Dr. Aida Yzeiri Baftijari.

She further said that: “Regarding the study program Marketing and Management, it should be noted that this program enables students to succeed in carrying out work in the field of strategic activity, communication in marketing, services and ideas, sales, public relations, market research, etc. While the study program of Tourism enables students to develop skills for performing work in the field of tourism and natural resources, ability to work in the educational process, as a professor of tourism or tourism manager, etc. The study program of International Business, as part of the academic offer of the Faculty of Economics within the University of Tetova, offers students unique opportunities for equipment with relevant theoretical and specific knowledge from all areas of international business “- concluded her speech, Doc. Dr. Aida Yzeiri Baftijari.

Also during the presentation of the academic offer of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tetova, the high school graduates were informed that the studies in this faculty are organized according to the 3 + 2 and 4 + 1 model and that all study programs are accredited according to the Bologna System and are accepted in national and international level.