Home/Career Center
Career Center2018-07-05T11:40:39+02:00
0905, 2018

Call – OSCE

May 09, 2018|Calls (Carrier Center)|

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) announces a call for applications for 18 full scholarships at the European Academy of Innovation (AEI), the world’s leading entrepreneurship [...]

0905, 2018

Call – AAPU

May 09, 2018|Calls (Carrier Center)|

Dear colleagues, The Association of Asian and Pacific Universities (AAPU) in cooperation with the Academy and the Semester of the Master Institute Development (MIDAS) in Bangkok, Thailand, announce the first [...]

2004, 2018

Call – MKHost

April 20, 2018|Calls (Carrier Center)|

Hosting Provider and the largest domain enumerator in Macedonia, MKhost, announces open competition for job placement with job opportunities for more positions. Any active or graduate student may apply for [...]

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