Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition of the University of Tetova, with various activities marked October 16th, World Food Day. Professors and students of this faculty, through this manifestation, conveyed sensitizing messages to the people to pay more attention to the food and nutrition.
Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition, Prof. Dr. Xhezahir Idrizi, in front of the participants held a thematic lecture dedicated to food in general. He briefly spoke on the World Food Day history, and then focused on nutrition, malnutrition and overnutrition, while special emphasis was put on hunger in the world and in our country. “Today we mark October 16th, World Food Day. This date is commemorated since 1981 and commemorates the establishment of the World Food Organization. Since the marking of this date is part of our study, we saw it fit to organize a brief thematic lecture on food in general as well as to present the food products produced under laboratory conditions by the second and third-year students of our faculty. We commemorate this day to raise the public awareness on food problems in the world and in our country. If we see different statistics, today around 6 million people die as a result of undernutrition, while 20 percent of the deaths of children under the age of 5 are due to undernutrition or malnutrition. The same statistics refer to events in such circumstances in the Republic of Macedonia. Even here, approximately, 500,000 people don’t have the necessary amount of food to meet their daily nutritional needs. The purpose of this event was to raise the public awareness for people who need food, as well as for state policy planning regarding this category of people”- said the Dean of Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition, Prof. Dr. Xhezahir Idrizi.
During the presentation and degustation of food products prepared by professors and students of the Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition, present was the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, and his team, deans of faculties, professors and students.
At the end of this activity, the Dean of Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition, Prof. Dr. Xhezahir Idrizi said that, for healthy food the policy-making in the global level should be aware, in terms of food policy, as well as exploiting natural resources without misuse, planting plants in accordance with the environmental conditions of the area. According to him, food should be used rationally, as well as to raise the awareness among businesses to distribute surplus food to people in need, while central and local institutions should open community kitchens.