At the UT started the XVI edition of the cultural manifestation “The three – arched bridge”. This traditional activity is a joint project organized by the University of Tetova, the University of Arts of Tirana and the University of Prishtina and is a challenge for art students, in proving their talent and expressing their vision on art. In addition, it is also an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and practical interaction, not only of students and professors, but also of the public. Before the solemn opening of the exhibition, the Vice-Rector for Education of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti received in a friendly meeting the Dean of the Faculty of Arts of Prishtina, Prof. Dr. Hazir Haziri and the Vice-Rector of the University of Arts from Tirana, Prof. Dr. Arijan Paço, to whom as a sign of gratitude he bestowed a symbolic gift.

According to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Nafi Jashari, ” The three – arched bridge” that we are talking about is not what connects the shores, but what connects with three time dimensions of Albanian history. So, it is something intangible, which symbolizes the unity of historical experience, of the moral values that characterize the different epochs, presented in our three spaces. The three-arched bridge” has already entered in its second decade, so we hope that such events will be successful and enable the new generations to unfold their artistic problems today and to highlight the new feeds. The Faculty of Arts, as an integral part of the University of Tetova, represents the foundation of higher education in the field of art, during these decades of existence we have built a well-known profile, which occupies a special place in higher education in the Albanian language in North Macedonia, we have formed generations of young people dedicated to art and the creative approach in general. Like other institutions of higher education, the Faculty of Arts in Tetovo is facing the challenges of the modern era. All the characteristics of the time in which we live are reflected in the activity of the Faculty. It is the responsibility of the teachers of the Faculty to offer curricula, the content of which should be in harmony with the needs of the time “, said the Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Nafi Jashari.

The professor of the Faculty of Arts, at the same time the coordinator of this activity, Doc. Dr. Jëlldëz Asani said that today is a moment of celebration that aims to bring this diverse mosaic of artistic directions, which fulfill its mission through student experiences, where it also connects bridges of communication with three Albanian universities, such as the University of Tetova, University of Arts of Tirana and the University of Prishtina. The traditional, cultural manifestation “The three – arched bridge” through the dynamics of rotation is entering its second decade of organization and has been welcomed for years to create a multidimensional approach of cooperation and exchange of knowledge related to the fields of figurative, musical and dramatic arts, which also encourages dialogue with universities, students and the general public. At the same time, this activity creates the mutual connection of the national culture through the achievements of the young artists of the three big centers all over Albania. During the pandemic we saw how important it was to have physical contact and how important it was to get back to artistic activities. Undoubtedly, this activity was also lacking for art lovers, but the students of Prishtina, Tetovo and Tirana felt this even more. “Today’s exhibition, as a whole, testifies to the participation of 60 students with more than 80 works conducted in various artistic media”, said the professor of the Faculty of Arts, Doc. Dr. Jëlldëz Asani.

This exhibition was greeted by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prishtina, Prof. Dr. Hazir Haziri and the Vice-Rector of the University of Arts of Tirana, Prof. Dr. Arijan Paço.

This activity will continue the next day, where at 10:00 there will be a panel discussion, on the topic: “Possibility of unification of curricula (plans and programs) that are currently implemented within our faculties”, while in at 12:00 there will be a theatrical screening and screening of short films, organized by students of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, from Tirana, Prishtina and Tetovo.