The University of Tetova, on April 22, 2022 participated in the proceedings of the nationwide fair of academic and scientific books, which was held at the Academy of Sciences of Albania. In this fair, in which attended scientific institutions from Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and beyond, the President of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, Acad. Skënder Gjinushi said that this fair gives the opportunity to see what is the scientific product of Albanians, what is the relationship between subsystems of scientific activity, how are the relations between generations of researches, in which discipline there is more progress and where there is a backward, is there an economy of knowledge in conditions when interstate borders no longer divide us, or there are repetitions and parallelism, fragmentary division of it, in order to reinforce what we have best and change non-positive tendencies. “This is a fair with a clearly defined field of interest: the latest scientific publications in the entire Albanian space. There are 33 academic-university subjects and private subjects that this fair has united, which represents the biggest manifestation so far for this wide and delicate field of publications. We have present publications of our researchers in Albania, in Kosovo, in North Macedonia, in Montenegro and from the Arbëreshë world “, said the president of the Albanian Academy of Sciences, Acad. Skënder Gjinushi.

Within the works of this fair, the UT represented by the Rector Prof. Dr. Reshat Qahili, Vice-Rector for Education Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, President of the Senate Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, also promoted the Monograph of the University of Tetova.

President of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, Acad. Skënder Gjinushi congratulated the University of Tetova for the Monograph, as he talks about a difficult period that the Albanians of North Macedonia have gone through and about the progress of an institution that has been a preceded and has played a primary role in strengthening the Albanian identity, language, the formation of new cadres, and all this struggle that the Albanians of Macedonia are waging for their rights and identity is not to divide but to integrate in Europe as equals. “University education is what makes the younger generations to compete with every European wherever they are and to compete according to the ability and not according to ethnicity. This is the mission, which you have completed with great success, and the support from Albania has been there, but it should be even greater and we as the Academy of Sciences welcome cooperation in this direction “, emphasized the President of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, Acad. Skënder Gjinushi.

Meanwhile, the President of the Senate of our University, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti said that the preparation of the Monograph has required a lot of effort and dedication, numerous researches, collection of materials and documents, field work, data verification, systematization and editorship of texts. While preparing the Monograph we have reminded all the tireless work that has been done for the University of Tetova during this time arch. A job that deserves to be remembered and respected, because this is a journey through many difficulties and sacrifices. By preparing the monograph we aimed to arouse the necessary feeling that major projects require cooperation between researchers, in order for a work to come out as perfect as possible. The University of Tetova, due to its specific history, evokes a special sensitivity in the soul and mind of Albanians. Therefore, they are not indifferent to this hearth of knowledge. This constant civic and national attention is good for the University of Tetova. This attention is the guardian angel of this university that will be raised up continuously “, said the President of the Senate of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.

In addition to the Monograph, the University of Tetova at this fair presented the titles of several other scientific publications such as: “Albanian National Liberation Movement (1830-1912)” by Vlado Popovski, “Liberating Kosovo” – David L. Philips, Orthodox Albanians in the Republic of Macedonia “- Branislav Sinadinoski,” Terminological Dictionary of Mathematics “- Agim Rushiti,” Corporate Governance “- Brikend Aziri,” Logopedy”-Buniamin Memedi,” Business Law “- Faton Shabani, Mobile Clinical Dental Prosthetics – Partial prostheses “(second edition) – Sherif Shaqiri,” Hate speech during the 2020 parliamentary election campaign in RNM “- Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication,” The beginnings and developments of postmodernism “- Arsim Rexhepi,” Discrete Structures 2 ” – Alit Ibraimi and “Rexhep Qosja – Philosopher, Ideologist and Politician of the National Cause” – Kudusi Lama.

This fair was a great opportunity to create new relationships between publishers and readers, as well as to easily find resources and bibliographies of the latest times for all those who are in the process of training.