Through a solemn ceremony, the University of Tetova today officially started the new academic year 2021/2022. In the square of the Rectorate of the University of Tetova, about 2000 students were welcomed by the leading staff of the University, who wished them success in their journey.

Vice-Rector for Education, Prof. Dr. Reshat Qaili, stated that he always feels pleasure to address the students with occasional speech and that such events represent special moments that mark important turning points in the life of each of us. “Such is today’s ceremony, where we all together welcome new students, we open the auditoriums of our faculties for hundreds of students, who without hesitation have decided to entrust their professional training to the University of Tetova. This definition keeps alive the spirit, vision, and values on which this institution of higher education in the Albanian language was founded 27 years ago. It is the second year in a row that we start the academic year in a time of pandemic and forced to respect the measures against the spread of Covid-19. In this global battle, it must be emphasized again that the universities have made a valuable contribution for managing the situation and the consequences left behind by this dangerous pandemic for the whole world. We are aware of the tasks we have in front of our citizens who rightly see in university institutions the hope, development, and future of generations. Thanks to the trust of the citizens and the interaction with them, today we proudly emphasize that together we have managed to turn this institution into the height of the name it represents, the main focus of education and science for the youth of our country, but also for the citizens of the Preševo Valley , the Republic of Kosovo, the Republic of Albania and our brothers from the diaspora”, -said the Vice-Rector for Education, Prof.Dr. Reshat Qaili.

Our university offers quality studies and diplomas accepted abroad, where students can pursue further studies, or be hired according to their qualification and professional preparation. With the decision of the Senate, every year the University of Tetova awards scholarships to excellent students, who during their studies manage to meet the required criteria. ” The awarding of student scholarships has encouraged students, has increased competition and bore fruit in the qualification of lawyers, doctors, professors, excellent engineers and other staff needed for the economic development of the country and general social progress. The implementation of the meritocracy system, the motivation of our young people to work and deepen their studies, has given its effects in all segments of educational activity at the University of Tetova. As a result of the application of these standards and the increase of credibility among the citizens, the interest of young students to continue their studies at UT is to be welcomed. We leave behind a year and start a new academic year. Based on the general state of health that prevails around the world, we have made our institutional efforts to make the necessary preparations for this year to develop the educational process without obstacles. In our auditoriums we will start the lectures with physical presence, and we wish that we do not need to apply other forms and variants of lectures”, – said the Vice-Rector for Education, Prof.Dr. Reshat Qaili.

The new students together with the deans, the leading staff and the professors of the respective faculties addressed the auditors of their faculties. In most of the study directions, the teaching will start with physical presence, while the students are obliged to respect the certain measures for protection from Covid – 19.