At the UT today started the academic year 2022/2023. On this occasion, was organized a solemn ceremony of welcoming new students in the square of the Rectorate. This academic year, unlike other years, began with a minute of silence in memory of the student of the Faculty of Philosophy of the UT, Erdan Ramadani, who a few days ago tragically lost his life.

On this occasion to the young students with welcoming speech addressed the Rector of the UT, Prof. Vullnet Ameti. He said that today, the beginning of the academic year 2022/2023, beautifies even more the educational mosaic and enriches the history of the University of Tetova, which has been outlined and built with effort and sacrifice by intellectuals, martyrs, patriots, and the entire population of these territories. ” At this moment I share with you a special feeling, that through the voice of sacrifice and martyrdom, but also through the voice of perspective and progress that we believe to be You, I wish you welcome on this day marked for all of us, with hope that it will be good and together we will be the voice of knowledge, science, education, and social progress. This progress has been aimed by entire generations before us, as teachers, educators, professors, young men, and women, who had the most sublime goal, to see this temple of knowledge at the height of the greatness represented by this institution of higher education in Albanian language. The glorious history, the countless sacrifices, the perseverance of the leaders and the orientation towards the future transformed this hearth of light and knowledge into the main University of higher education and center of scientific research”, said the Rector Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

Rector, in his further speech, emphasized that the enrollment of hundreds and thousands of young students for each academic year in this institution proves more than anything, that our joint University has taken its steps forward in many segments of its operation, starting from the teaching process, scientific research, inter-university cooperation and its internationalization.

“Thanks to the achievement of these standards, UT has already been confirmed as the center and only alternative of higher education in the Albanian language, with national and regional dimensions. In almost three decades of activity, the University of Tetova has fulfilled our ideals for education, formation and the production of real cadres prepared for the leadership of society and the country. In the service of this goal, we have supported and will continue to support our students in the future, especially the excellent ones, who achieve high success during the academic year, therefore they benefit from the university scholarship, respectively they are released from student participation. Thousands of students of the first and second cycle of studies have benefited from the awarded scholarships over the years, and their number increases from generation to generation, thanks to work and dedication to studies”, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

As a symbolic sign, today were shared the first indexes to new students by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti and the President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti.