The Summer School 2022 co-organized by the Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication of the University of Tetova-Northern Illinois University in cooperation with the American Corner Tetovo, today concluded its program. After a series of presentations of professional lectures by university professors and experts in the field, the students participating in the Summer School had the opportunity to gain extensive knowledge on the rule of law. The lecturers shared their experiences with the students, by encouraging them to raise their voice and to be more dedicated regarding the rule of law in our country.

Director of the Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication- Northern Illinois University, MSc. Donika Kamberi, at the end of this summer school, expressed her satisfaction with the conducted program, she thanked the University of Tetova and the Rector Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti for the financial support given to this project and also expressed special gratitude and consideration for the strong support that has given the Embassy of the United States of America and the Embassy of the European Union in our country. “30 participants from the country and the region were part of an experience which aimed to offer them the opportunity to learn more from people with long experience in the field of law and not only, where the participants created bridges of cooperation and shared experiences of them related to the selected topic. The presence of the US and EU ambassadors in our country, the presence of lecturers and special guests made this activity very successful. As the coordinator of this project, I appreciate the contribution of everyone who made this organization possible, which I firmly believe will remain long in the memory of every participant”, said the Director of the Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication of UT- Northern Illinois University, MSc. Donika Kamberi.

The coordinator of the American Corner Tetovo, MSc. Gëzim Sulejmani, said that this joint organization between the American Corner and the Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication of the University of Tetova has been a golden opportunity for all the talented students who joined this school. “Summer school “Youth for rule of law” an excellent collaboration, where 30 young people during 5 days have received different experiences and perspectives from experts, academics, heads of various institutions of our country, as well as those from the United States of America and the European Union. During the last workshops, students have given ideas and created the annual program with this topic, which will be our task to conduct together with these talented and very visionary young people. Special thanks for the cooperation with the Center for Peace and Transcultural Communication of the University of Tetova- Northern Illinois University and for the financial support from the University of Tetova as well as the support of the American Embassy”, emphasized the coordinator of the American Corner Tetovo, MSc. Gëzim Sulejmani.

The students participating in the Summer School 2022, with the theme: “Youth for rule of law” were welcomed at the meeting by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti. At this meeting was also present the Head of the Public Relations Office of the U.S. Embassy in Skopje, Ms. Jaewon – Oh. Together, they expressed high appreciation for the organization of the summer school and the topic that has been addressed in terms of youth and rule of law, which is very important. Also, they encouraged the students to continue to be a model for others by being promoters in terms of respect and the rule of law.

At the end, for the students participating in the Summer School 2022, were awarded certificates and some symbolic gifts together with the Monograph of the UT, by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti and the Head of the Public Relations Office at the U.S. Embassy in Skopje, Mrs. Jaewon – Oh. Also, to Ms. Jaewon – Oh, the Rector Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti bestowed a gift with a portrait of Mother Teresa and some publications of our University.