Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Tetova, today organized a panel discussion, on the topic: “Higher Professional Education as an institution for teacher training and as a beacon of spreading knowledge.” In this event attended a large number of education veterans, professors, pedagogue and students.

Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi said that today we have gathered to debate on the topic: “Higher Professional Education as an institution for teacher training and as a beacon of spreading knowledge”, which coincides with the 50th anniversary of the closure of Higher Professional Education of Tetova, in particular parallel within the Comprehensive school (Gymnasium) of Tetova. “The initiative at first flowed from the initiating group to mark the 50th anniversary of the graduations of Higher Professional Education of Tetova, consisting of: Zejnulla Salihi, Aziz Jakupi, Drita Xheladini, Hajri Ismani, Shemsije Ibrahimi and Avdil Islami. After our joint meeting, we agreed that in partnership with the Faculty of Pedagogy, today to realize a debate on two topics, namely: The role of the Higher Professional Education in the preparation of staff for primary education in RNM, with special emphasis on the pedagogical parallel of the Comprehensive school (Gymnasium) of Tetova – drawing a parallel between education then and education today, as well as the activity and contribution of two prominent professors, Prof. Dr. Tahir Zajazi and Prof. Dr. Xheladin Murati, who in that period were engaged, professors at the Higher Professional Education and with its closure continue their teaching and research-scientific activity in higher education in RNM. I am happy with the fact that today, except professors and students of the Faculty of Pedagogy, there were also Higher Professional graduates from the generations of 1960-1968, respectively graduates of the years 1964-1972 “, said the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi.

In addition, the Dean also focused on the history of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Tetova, which he said dates back to 1996, in which case within this faculty began three study programs: Professional Pedagogy, Teacher Education and Preschool Education. With the officialization of UT, in 2004, within the Faculty of Philosophy, the study program Pedagogy functioned, with the departments: Professional, Teacher Education and Preschool Education, while from 2012 it was accredited and it began to function the study program Special Education and Rehabilitation. In 2016, the Faculty of Pedagogy was founded as a particular academic unit of the University, with four study programs in the first cycle, but it will continue the activity with study programs in the second and third cycle. “Currently, in the second cycle we have two study programs: Pedagogy, with three directions: Elementary education, Didactic innovations and Management in education, as well as Special Education and Rehabilitation, also with three departments: Inclusive education, Autism and intellectual disabilities and Logopedy and hearing impairment. From this year we have accredited the study programs Social Pedagogy and Preschool Education, which will be functional from this academic year. In the third cycle we have a study program Pedagogy, with two departments, the Education Development Strategy and the Learning Development Strategy. The study programs of the Faculty of Pedagogy are designed in accordance to the principles of the Bologna System. The main aim is that the study programs to adapt to the dynamics of the reforms in the education system in the country, and to adapt to the contemporary trends in education. This faculty aims at achieving students: Competition in the European academic market; Profiling through the competency development; Internationally accepted programs; Academic mobility opportunities. At the Faculty of Pedagogy are also organized: Interactive and debating lectures; Learning in labs and on the surrounding area; Teaching through IT; The new approach: “Student center”.

The dean concluded his speech by comparing education then and today, where he says that if we draw a parallel we will see that in the past the personality and dignity of the teacher has been very high, he has been valued and appreciated by society. “Today, this dignity has been taken for granted, while the position of the teacher in society is not at all favorable. In the future we should focus on restoring the dignity of the teaching profession, by finding mechanisms to motivate excellent graduates to enroll in the Pedagogical Faculties, as well as giving priority to their employment. Also, the social position of the teacher should be improved, through salary increase, career advancement, various benefits that the state will offer to them, as well as through the depoliticization of education. In the past, the number of students was also so high that we had classes that exceeded the number based on the norm for the formation of classes, while today many schools are at risk of dismissal of some teachers as consequence of the decrease in the number of students. In the past, education has had quality, although it has been focused on memorizing facts, theories and laws, teaching based only on textbooks, which even today continue to be in use, although they are very stereotypical and prejudices and promote ethnocentrism “, concluded among others the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi.

In this panel discussion were also present Veterans of Albanian education, Prof. Dr. Xheladin Murati, Prof. Dr. Tahir Zajazi and veteran teacher Zejnulla Salihi. They evoked memories from their sensational past, namely from their educational activity, different experiences and practices, historical and statistical data, comparisons between generations, education then and today and many other discussions related to the relevant topic.

The participants showed interest to various topics, and did not hesitate to ask their questions, to which the leaders of the debate answered in the form of conversation.