A delegation of the Ondokuz Mayis University visited the University of Tetova from the city of Samsun in the Republic of Turkey. This delegation was led by Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal, who was accompanied by the Deputy Rector, Prof. Dr. Cengiz Batuk, President for International Relations, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sait Kurşunoğlu and member of the governing body, Sali Sallah.

They were initially received in a meeting by the President of the Senate of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, Vice-Rector for Finance, Prof. Dr. Naser Raimi, Head of the Office for International Cooperation, Doc. Dr. Hatibe Deari – Zeqiri and professor of the Faculty of Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Qani Nesimi.

The President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ahmeti, in front of the guests presented briefly the educational and scientific activity of the University of Tetova over the years and also informed them about some activities which are planned to be conducted until the end of this academic year. While the Vice Rector for Finance, Prof. Dr. Naser Raimi said that such meetings not only help to gain new knowledge and experiences between our universities, but also are a great impetus for strengthening and raising the quality in general in higher education.

Rector of the University “19 May”, Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal expressed his gratitude for the hospitality and showed his readiness and that of the university he leads to continue the cooperation with the University of Tetova in the future in various fields. He also said that the University “19 May” from Samsun, Turkey consists of 12 academic units and has over 54 thousand students.

Also, in this meeting was discussed the creation and drafting of new strategies to coordinate in an agenda several different activities, in terms of education, research, exchange of academic staff and students, organization of international symposia, scientific conferences, trainings, as well as cooperation within international programs for mobility of students and professors, such as Erasmus +, Mevlana and others.