The Faculty of Arts of the University of Tetova, in cooperation with the National Institute – Art Gallery in Tetovo organized a joint exhibition in honor of the World Art Day. For marking this day, the National Institute – Art Gallery in Tetovo has organized a series of activities, among which the organization of a joint exhibition with students and professors of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Tetova.

The organization of the exhibition in the square of the Rectorate of the University of Tetova is a proof of the approach and commitment of students to work and its affirmation with people, in order for people to have direct access of the works and creativity of students. Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Nafi Jashari thanked the director of the Art Gallery, Ilir Kurtishi, for the fulfillment of this exhibition in the square of the University of Tetova, where to the students is given the opportunity to affirm their creativity with various works. In this exhibition participate students from all years and some of them in this exhibition have displayed their professional works. He further said that in the future will continue the cooperation with various activities between the Faculty of Arts and the National Institute – Art Gallery in Tetovo.

The director of the National Institute – Art Gallery said that the main purpose is to mark April 15, World Art Day. “As we know, April 15 is World Art Day, it is Leonardo Da Vinci’s birthday. Thanks to this day, we have organized one-week activities, starting from Monday and on Friday we will conclude these activities. We chose this way to organize the exhibitions in open spaces and in different parts of the city and one of them is the University of Tetova. As I mentioned above, this activity has already started four days ago, initially we started in the center of the city of Tetova, since there is a greater attendance of citizens and all interested parties had the opportunity to paint, but at the same time were informed about the content of the exhibition, there were citizens of different age groups, then the second day we were at the Park of Bees, around the Pena River, which was an exhibition of photographs, and on the third day, in front of the Cultural Center in Tetovo, with the best works we have from the collection of the Gallery of Visual Arts in Tetovo. Today we are here outside the University of Tetova in order to promote the various works of students of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Tetova, so that the students of this faculty feel like hosts of this activity,” said the director of the Gallery of Arts in Tetovo, Ilir Kurtishi.

The activities for the celebration of the World Art Day will be concluded the next day, with the exhibition with graphics that will be organized in the city park of Tetova.