From March 14 -19, 2022, in the tourist center Sunny Hill- Kodra e Diellit, the Faculty of Physical Education of the University of Tetova, in the role of host successfully conducted the project “Skiing and game activities for children” within the “Intensive Joint Programs” supported by Erasmus +. In this project participated three countries: North Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania. In its implementation were engaged the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, the Department of Physical Education and Sports from the University of Veliko Tarnovo – Bulgaria and the Faculty of Physical Education from the University “Alba Lulia” – Romania.

The project was conducted by professors of the University of Tetova at the Faculty of Physical Education, Vice-Dean for Science Prof. Dr. Fadil Mamuti and Prof. Dr. Agim Rexhepi.
Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Fadil Mamuti said that in this project participated a total of 20 students and 8 professors, who successfully completed their tasks. “The program of the above-mentioned project was planned to start from 9:00 to 22:00. Within of these activities, the envisaged tasks were successfully completed, such as: learning and acquisition of skiing techniques, games on the ski grounds, as well as various fun games, which were part of the animation and recreation program, and which were conducted in the premises of the hotel Slavia in Kodra e Diellit”, declared Vice Dean Prof. Dr. Fadil Mamuti.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Agim Rexhepi said that this project, besides to the professional aspect and training in the field of physical education, is also of great importance in the socialization of students. This is best evidenced by the presence of students belonging to different cultures. The project was attended by students from North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, France, Turkey, Hungary and China.
What makes this project important is the continuation of international cooperation between the three above-mentioned universities.