At the University of Tetova, through a solemn academy was marked March 7th – Teacher’s Day. This special event, which commemorates the sacrifice and effort of our ancestors to have education and school in the Albanian language, this year was organized by the Faculty of Pedagogy.

The Dean of this faculty, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi said that today is of special importance and is one of the most important dates, not only in the field of education, but also in our national history. “It is the day that coincides with the opening of the first school with instruction in the Albanian language in Korça, whose rays spread throughout the Albanian-speaking area, rays which in 1994 were crowned with the founding of the University of Tetova, a temple which today can be proud of the cadres it has produced and which are bearers of the most vital functions of society. Grateful for the work and dedication shown by Albanian teachers, including those who are not among us, education veterans, as well as teachers who with maximum dedication spread the light of knowledge to the younger generations. Today, even though the dignity of the teacher has been violated, it is the duty of all of us to appreciate this noble profession in order to restore society’s respect for teachers, because as we have education today, we will have society tomorrow. This is because the teacher is the pillar of a society. The University of Tetova, within which is also our Faculty, is following the path of progress in this regard, therefore as a national value that we all have we must contribute to its development. In this regard, the Faculty of Pedagogy always aims to compile study programs, which will be in accordance with the requirements of today’s contemporary school, contemporary trends in education, in order to be competitive in the European academic market and to have programs internationally accepted “, – emphasized the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Prof. Dr. Lulzim Mehmedi.

The report for March 7 was read by the professor of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Asst. Prof. Dr. Jehona Rushidi – Rexhepi. She said that the significance of the history of March 7, 1887 would not be complete if we do not analyze the school of the present and the strategies devised for modeling the school of the future. “This will probably show how the aspirations of the ancestors were reflected and developed. Among other things, the focus should be on the approach to the educational process, without any discrimination, on cultivating respect, reciprocity, solidarity and dignity. We must keep in mind the values we share and also what is by no means less important than the ones we enumerated, the special support services for students with special needs. Moreover, we can ask some other questions and dilemmas: do we say, as much as we write and publish? How much does the figure of the complete teacher and the school reflect as an institution with the aura of the right level of comprehensive upbringing, but in particular of educational quality? If the answers were positive, it would have been ideal, if not, the reasons and the way of improvement should be sought. Our University, namely the Faculty of Pedagogy, has for years produced generations which have been successful in the role of teacher, preschool educator, pedagogue and special educator and rehabilitator. These and future generations must show us and prove that it is education that shapes the future with knowledge acquired in school is the best influence on society. Among other things, the professionally trained teacher knows how to make students passionate participants in the learning process”,- said Asst. Prof. Dr. Jehona Rushidi – Rexhepi.

Two veterans of education, Mrs. Xhemile Beadini and Mrs. Nexhdete Palloshi, evoked memories of their lessons in this academy. As a sign of respect and gratitude for its activity over the years in the education of many generations, the rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Reshat Qahili, Mrs. Xhemile Beadini, bestowed the portrait of the first Rector, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani and the Monograph of the University of Tetova (1994/2004). While the Vice-Rector for Education of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, as a sign of gratitude for her contribution in the field of education to the Mrs. Nexhdete Palloshi, bestowed the portrait of Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani and the Monograph of the University of Tetova.

On this marked day, the Faculty of Pedagogy today announced the results of the internal competition for the best literary creations, poetry, prose, essays and works of visual art. On this occasion, were awarded prizes for the best works.

The solemn academy of March 7th – Teacher’s Day was concluded with an artistic program prepared by professors of the Faculty of Arts, artists Besiana Mehmedi, Bajramali Idrizi and Shkëlzen Baftijari.