“Diplomatic Suicide of Kosovo and Albania” and “The Sea between Albania and Greece” are the two books of the author Shaban Murati which were promoted at the University of Tetova. The promotion of these books took place in the premises of the Faculty of Law and in this event participated a large number of personalities from the academic, political, social life as well as a considerable number of students of our University. Dean of the Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Qebir Avziu thanked Ambassador Shaban Murati for his willingness to show that his books are promoted at our University and at the same time congratulated Ambassador Murati for his wonderful work that he is doing in raising national awareness on these topics.

The university professor Fehari Ramadani gave his assessments for the book “Diplomatic Suicide of Albania and Kosovo”. He said that the ambassador and researcher Shaban Murati in this book deals with the bilateral relations between Albania and Kosovo in the last three years, as well as their relations with Serbia, the USA and the EU. “The main message of the book The Diplomatic Suicide of Kosovo and Albania is that Albania and Kosovo must walk on their own two feet, to make real independent states, to have their integrity. In particular, leaders must have their state, national and personal integrity, that, according to him, the leaders of Albania have lacked for the last 30 years. “Albanians should not be guided by fanaticism in international relations. The Allied, whoever it is, is offered everything, except the freedom of the homeland and the territorial integrity of the homeland. In these two parameters, each alliance dies and takes on a different name”. I think that the book “Diplomatic Suicide of Albania and Kosovo” will serve diplomats, political analysts and students of international relations. Also, it offers a lot of information of interest to the general public, “said Prof. Dr. Fehari Ramadani.

About the book “The Sea between Albania and Greece” spoke University professor Bujar Ahmedi. According to him, this book, in addition to raising the issue related to the sea and the dispute with Albania-Greece, it also elaborates many other issues. “In reality, the book raises more issues, touches more topics. For your curiosity you can ask what they are. It is mentioned the law of the war, which is still in force in the Greek state. The Cham issue is mentioned, which the Albanian diplomacy, as the ambassador says, hesitates to elaborate it as a problem. Minorities in Albania are mentioned, the Greek Orthodox Church and its influence in the region. As experienced diplomat, he affirms the resolution of issues one by one. So it raises the alarm that the Albanian diplomacy, the Albanian state in the negotiations does not go with a package because the diplomacy does not know the language of negotiations by extending the open disputes in a package but affirms the diplomacy step by step. As only he knows how to do, our diplomat, the experienced diplomat, in the style of the great master enter in the history. It enters history and starts from the conference of ambassadors of 1913. It continues with the Protocol of Florence 1925. It touches on the act on delimitation of the borders of Albania, whereas parties are three countries Albania, Greece and Yugoslavia, and concludes with an act on the definition of the borders of 1926 and as want to say that the borders are not negotiated”- said Prof. Dr. Bujar Ahmedi.

About the books of the Ambassador Shaban Murati spoke also Mr. Alket Veliu from the  “Chameria Hasan Tahsini Foundation”. According to him, politics today, with its diabolical behavior, is treating the national issue as an issue against integration and against good neighborliness, by showing to Albanians that prosperity comes to them by keeping well the relations with Greeks and Serbs. “Obviously we want to have good relations with our neighbors, but these relations must be sincere and reciprocal and not submissive. There cannot be good relations with Greece when even today, after 80 years, it tells us that we are at war, because the law of war is still in force, when it does not recognize the Cham issue. The same non-recognition of genocide is from Serbia and Greece. How can we trust someone who does not accept the blame. We want good relations with our neighbors but they must be honest and reciprocal. The open Balkans is mentioned by the ambassador, is this in the interest of Albanians? Certainly not! Serbia seeks economic expansion in Albanian markets and not at all good relations with Albanians. It is unacceptable for the Balkans to be open when Serbia and Kosovo do not know each other”, he said Alket Veliu.

Also about the books of the Ambassador Shaban Murati spoke Ms. Valbona Hajretin from the Agency for the Implementation of Languages ​​. According to her, the most neuralgic points of Albanians in international reports are the topics that the author has addressed. “Since Ambassador Shaban Murati has a long diplomatic experience, as a deep connoisseur of these problems, in his two books he writes very empirically, basing everything on facts, concrete situations, in contexts and relationships that are still fresh and still continue to disrupt our relations with our neighbors. From this point of view, the books of Ambassador Shaban Murati release a strong alarm for the Albanian states, for the political elites that lead our states, to become aware and active with all their potential and institutional, intellectual and diplomatic capacity, in order to protect the national being, respectively our territory against which the neighbors claim. This is definitely a very sensitive and fragile issue, so we need serious commitment, courage and full vision “- said among others Ms. Valbona Hajretin.

The author of the works, the ambassador His Excellency Mr. Shaban Murati, in his speech he initially thanked all those present for participating in the promotion of his works at the University of Tetova. Referring to the works he wrote, he said that his goal was to inform not only diplomats and politicians, but also civil society and every Albanian about the problems that we as a nation have historically had with Serbia and Greece. These two new books of mine that have been published recently, “Diplomatic Suicide of Kosovo and Albania” and “The Sea between Albania and Greece” and address the most acute diplomatic issues, still unresolved between the Albanian state and the Albanian nation with two countries that historically we have had problems such as Serbia and Greece.

There are two books that deal with the topics that need to be known not only by diplomats or governments which of course I have the main audience but also by ordinary citizens or civil society to learn what is the reality of the problems we have and how should be resolved “- added the author Mr. Shaban Murati.

Then he said that from his long experience, over than 50 years in the field of foreign policy, he has tried to turn this experience into a kind of enlightenment of this issue that not everyone can understand.