On the occasion of May 9 – Day of Europe, the University of Tetova, respectively the Faculty of Law, organized an online discussion to mark this important day for our continent.

The special guest on this date was the EU Ambassador to North Macedonia, His Excellency David Geer.

This activity was announced open by the Vice Rector for International Relations of UT, Prof. Dr. Shefik Shehu, while the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Qebir Avziu, addressed with a greeting speech.

The discussion was focused on current developments around our country’s EU integration process, including the challenges that prevail and the opportunities to overcome them. In his speech, Ambassador Geer highlighted the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the proactive EU approach to support Balkan countries in this challenge. He also stressed the need for continuous reaffirmation of the values on which the EU operates, such as solidarity and cooperation, which becomes especially necessary in times of challenge and difficulty. Since the slogan of the event was “Education youth for European future “, Geer underlined the importance of educating the youth to become citizens actively engaged in social affairs.

The online meeting was moderated by Doc. Dr. Gjeraqina Leka, while the discussion with students of the Faculty of Law and academic staff took place on topics that affect the relationship between the EU and the Western Balkans, with special emphasis on our country.

The joint discussion ended with the hope that next year, this day will be marked in normal conditions and with a physical presence, while Ambassador Geer promised that in the near future he will visit the University of Tetova.