Although under pandemic conditions, the University of Tetova continues its successful cooperation with universities from the United States of America. This time, through online communication, students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Tetova and students from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, managed successfully to complete the Joint Research Project, entitled: “Joint comparative legal research project: Civil liberties in the US and Europe: A comparison of issues decided by SCOTUS and ECtHR, Spring 2020 ”.

The project was realized through online communication and were conducted several video conferences between students and professors from both universities. On April 29, 2020, was held the Final Conference (online), in which the participating students presented the research results in an excellent manner. In the proceedings of the final conference participated the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Asst. Prof. Dr. Shefik Shehu, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Qebir Avziu and Professor Dritan Kuçi. Also from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, attended: Vice -President for Academic Affairs Katerina Cardwell, Director of Global Engagement Wendy Baker; Rector Martin Tadlock, and Research Director Jon Jonson.

Vice-Rector for International Relations, Asst. Prof. Dr. Shefik Shehu, elaborated on the importance of the research project, thanked Professor Judithanne and representatives of the University of South Florida St. Petersburg for the fruitful cooperation by promising support and continuity in further cooperation. At the same time, he encouraged students from both universities to be as active as possible in such international research projects. He also expressed gratitude and appreciation to the students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Tetova, Vjollca Emini, Artin Hasipi, Selma Ademi, Veton Jakupi, Nedreta Jusufi, Artina Mustafi, Devi Mukja and Diellza Selimi, for their participation in this project.