At the University of Tetova was organized a manifestation which marked the 10th anniversary of the Scientific Group in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, which operates within the Student Parliament. Present at the event were Vice-Rector for Science, Prof. Dr. Hazir Pollozhani, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Kastriot Haxhirexha, former Professor of Physiology, Doc. Dr. Faredin Xhelili, Coordinator of the Scientific Group, Doc. Dr. Arbëresha Ferati, President of the Student Parliament, Eliesa Zhaku, professors, students and activists of the Science Group.
Dean of the FMS Prof. Dr. Kastriot Haxhirexha, said that, precisely the former activists in the Science Group, today they have become excellent professors and doctors, so such groups are always welcome as they contribute to society. “During these ten years, this group has worked, tried, to be active and through different activities, to give a different spirit to the Faculty of Medical Sciences. Whenever the word science is mentioned, we find something very great, because it is also great, since the word science itself means knowledge. The science of medicine is the only one wrapped in mystery aureola. The greatest investments that will be made in this century in the science of medicine are precisely to discover, to remove the veil of mystery about what is called the soul”, – said the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Kastriot Haxhirexha.
Meanwhile, the coordinator of the Scientific Group, Asst. Prof. Dr. Arbëresha Ferati emphasized that this success would not have been possible without the continuous support of the FMC management, led by the Dean and all the professors, as well as the strong support from the leadership structures headed by the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, who together with the Office for Scientific Research and Innovation enabled any initiative taken by student to be implemented. “I joined the Science Group five years ago and since then, we went through many projects, manifestations, work, we marked many important dates according to the WHO calendar, successfully overcome many challenges, but what I want to emphasize is that I found you very enthusiastic, so it is a pleasure and a privilege to coordinate this subject for so long and work with excellent students like you. All this work would not have been possible without the enormous support of the support of the FMC management, led by the Dean and all the professors, as well as the strong support from the leadership structures headed by the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, who together with the Office for Scientific Research and Innovation supported us and helped us to realize your every idea”, – said the Asst. Prof. Dr. Arbëresha Ferati.
This event was also welcomed by the Vice-Rector for Science, Prof. Dr. Hazir Pollozhani, who said that the activists of this Science Group represent their creativity and innovation, taking responsibility from the first stages of their education and study and to this date, hoping that this success will take on an international dimension.
The scientific group speech was read by the scientific member, Diedona Murtishi, where mentioned the key moments of activities that have been carried out by this group since its foundation until today.
At the end of the event, the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Kastriot Haxhirexha, bestowed plaques to the initiator of this initiative, Asst. Prof. Dr. Faredin Xhelili, former professor of Physiology, and to the coordinator, Asst. Prof. Dr. Arbëresha Ferati.