A delegation of the University of Tetova headed by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti visited the Municipality of Tuzi, where they were welcomed in a meeting by the newly elected mayor of Tuzi, Nik Gjeloshaj. The meeting was of a friendly nature and many issues were discussed concerning different topics, such as educational, scientific, cultural, social and other issues. Also, importance was given to the future cooperation and this year’s academic offer by our University for the high school graduates of this municipality.
The Rector, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, said that for the high school graduates of the municipality of Tuzi, who will attend their studies at the University of Tetova, additional quotas will be offered. The interlocutors agreed that the students of the high school “25 Maji” of Tuzi should be supported with appropriate scholarships and quotas, in order to orient them professionally towards certain fields, so that we can create the necessary staff for more sectors in the future.
At the end of the meeting, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, to congratulate, respect, and honor the Mayor of the Municipality of Tuzi, Nik Gjeloshaj, for his new function, gave him as a gift a flag and logo of the University of Tetova along with the portrait of the founder and the first historic Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani. While the Mayor of Tuzi, Nik Gjeloshaj, thanked the Rector, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, for his visit and support that he gives to the graduates of the Municipality of Tuzi, to create their professional and academic future by studying at the University of Tetova.
Subsequently, the UT’s promotional team of the academic offer 2019/2020 met with high school graduates of Tuzi and high school graduates ” Vëllazërim – Bashkimi” in Ulcinj, before whom they presented all academic units and the study programs that our University offers for them. The students of these schools expressed great interest for the vast majority of study programs that our University offers for the academic year 2019/2020.