The third cycle students at the University of Tetova, on March 30, 2019, conducted a workshop in the Methodology of Scientific Research course, lectured by Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Rector of the University of Tetova.
During the workshop, the students, under the guidance of the teachers of specific scientific fields were supported in the realization of their activities within the working groups on these themes related to the steps of drafting the conceptual research project, such as: thesis proposal; the structure of the thesis; types of works; purpose of research; research problem; hypotheses; samples; methods; results; quotations; footnotes; bibliography; methodological ethics; the role of the mentor; academic writing and spelling.
The workshop with the third – cycle students 2018/2019 this year was also realized in 6 groups, where students in particular had the opportunity to gain additional knowledge from the group leaders about compiling the doctoral dissertation, so that the planning and progress of a study can be carried out with appropriate scientific measurements and analysis, by respecting all the steps set for achieving scientific goals.