University of Tetova, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of its foundation, today with a solemn ceremony inaugurated the Institute of Albanian Language, Culture and Civilization “Josif Bageri”.The inauguration of the institute was made by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, and the Head of the Institute, Mr. Sc. Ismet Jonuzi – Krosi, in the presence of Vice-Rectors, General Secretary of the University, senators, deans, students and activists of Albanian education, science and culture. With human resources – researches that will be engaged, its results are expected considering the scientific, research work that takes place at the University of Tetova. It should be noted that the University of Tetova in the past has organized activities, gatherings, scientific symposia on the patriotic activity of one of the famous renaissance, Josif Bageri. On this occasion, the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti emphasized that the University of Tetova with its latest steps is proving itself as the first University of higher education in Albanian language. “The inauguration of the Institute of Albanian Language, Culture and Civilization “Josif Bageri” in this jubilee anniversary proves the serious work that we all do together in this institution. Depth studies of our rich culture will be the priorities of the intensive work that this institute will develop. There are other institutes and laboratories within the UT, but the functioning of this institute complements the general scientific activity carried out by the University of Tetova over the years. Today we are in the first steps, but very soon we will equip it with the necessary infrastructure, we will engage serious researches who will justify the opening of this institute”, – said Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.
Whereas the Head of the Institution “Josif Bageri” Mr. Sc. Ismet Jonuzi- Krosi, said that the inauguration of this institute proves the values that the University of Tetova has built in our society during these 25 years of operation. “On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of UT, today we inaugurate the Institute “Josif Bageri” which was founded by decision of the Senate of the UT, which is the vital message of our renaissance Josif Bageri, while we also live the messages of the First and Historical Rector of the UT, Prof. Dr. Fadil Sulejmani.
I would like to thank the current Rector of our University, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, who is giving a tremendous contribution to the development and affirmation of Albanian language, culture and civilization. This institute has a clear mission to articulate the values of our culture, Albanian language and civilization in the Republic of North Macedonia”, – Mr. Sc. Ismet Jonuzi – Krosi. The inauguration of this institute has been welcomed by scientific opinion in our country and beyond. This scientific institution is expected to deal with serious studies of Albanian historiography, with particular emphasis on Albanian linguistics, culture and civilization.